Found Sheep,
...but one I hate and I feel has a bad soul. Why didn't any of us ex Jw get into politics.
Be careful what you wish for; some ex-JWs are soulless.
i voted today in nyc.
a well organized process.
very busy and most of the people voting were african american.
Found Sheep,
...but one I hate and I feel has a bad soul. Why didn't any of us ex Jw get into politics.
Be careful what you wish for; some ex-JWs are soulless.
for those who were never a jw, here's a fun guide to passing yourself as one:.
privilege [priv-lij] - a duty nobody would volunteer to do which is assigned to you without your say so.
such as cleaning the toilets, picking up other brats candy wrappers in the back row and being stuck on locking up duty for the 7th time in a row.. df'd [dee-eff'd] - disfellowshipped.
Jwleaks, I did that to someone's bicycle once.
anyone else hear about this.
as all j-dubs know, whenever someone complains about how long the "new system" is taking too arrive, they use the excuse that jehovah works on his own time.
quite a few times during the public talks, i've heard speakers say the phrase "1000 years to us is only one day to jehovah" (my parents never stop talking about this).
This is how he spends his day:
all these hypothetical questions about the organization's demise or what if god did this or that don't do anyone any good.
personal experiences.
info and insight about your congregation, circuit, area and the watchtower itself is what we need.
What if research scientists never said "what if?"
Spot on stillin.
having seen many, many people leave the org over the years, i have to say that, when it comes to married couples, it's almost always the man who makes the first move to leave.
conversely, when it comes to being converted into the witnesses, more often than not it's the wife who joins up first.
although that wasn't the case with my own parents, my father became converted and my mother followed very reluctantly..
However, in the context of this discussion, it is a less than desirable trait.
I realize that the context of this discussion pertains to authoritarian religions but I'm thinking about religiosity in general including liberal churches. They are more inclusive than other more conservative religions and do not have strict, oppressive rules (Think Unitarians).
having seen many, many people leave the org over the years, i have to say that, when it comes to married couples, it's almost always the man who makes the first move to leave.
conversely, when it comes to being converted into the witnesses, more often than not it's the wife who joins up first.
although that wasn't the case with my own parents, my father became converted and my mother followed very reluctantly..
And by the is sort of humorous to read the responses of men who project the standard stereotype of women "being more sensitive" and having emotional shortcomings, etc....
The underlying issue is not personality shortcomings of the female sex.
I don't consider a more sensitive nature, either in men or in women, to be a shortcoming.
so the wife and i were uninvited to another jw get together which we didn't want to go to anyways.
finally we find out that something on my facebook account is getting some people's in my old halls undies in a bunch.
so i was thinking of meeting with them to at least clear my wife's name and give them some much needed hell.
I tend to agree with those who say you should give them no power over you but I believe that applies to the elders and not the general congregation. You might perhaps crash the party with your wife just to start talking apostasese with them. Give them something to remember you by but don't bother with the elders; they are the real power brokers.
having seen many, many people leave the org over the years, i have to say that, when it comes to married couples, it's almost always the man who makes the first move to leave.
conversely, when it comes to being converted into the witnesses, more often than not it's the wife who joins up first.
although that wasn't the case with my own parents, my father became converted and my mother followed very reluctantly..
Ditto for xjwsrock.
It's known, according to studies, that women make up the majority of worshippers at all churches. Why exactly is not known but it most probably has to do with their psychological nature.
i was going to put this in my thread about pyramid schemes, but i thought it's discreet enough to warrant its own.
1) there are many faithful jws.
2) there are many men and women who could take control and fill the void if the watchtower collapses.
I can't quite see the Watchtower splinter as the International Bible Students did under Rutherford's iron fisted rule. Then again, I can't see a total collapse. More of a deflation; a shriveling up. Under Rutherfordism you had a fanatical hard core who reconstituted their numbers after a short while.
Nowadays, you simply have a demoralized body of wannabe Witnesses with a bunch of neurotic/psychotic needy persons. They're not likely to be the type that can reconstitute themselves.
one thing i've never understood is judicial committees.
yes, i understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process.
but why give them all the power?
I'm sure they can disfellowship you in absentia. I myself was not even invited to my judicial committee yet was disfellowshipped.